From its humble beginnings as a reconnaissance flight, using second-hand aircraft at the very end of the Battle of Britain, No. 91 'Nigeria' Squadron went on to become one of the most famous units in RAF Fighter Command. It achieved outstanding results using new low-level interception tactics along the south coast of England, employing the very latest marks of Spitfire. Indeed, it was one of the few fighter units to be Spitfire-equipped throughout World War 2. Manned by a multifarious band of pilots from across the globe, No 91 'Nigeria' Squadron also produced its fair share of aces. Text by Peter Hall with illustrations by Chris Davey.
- No. 421 Flight
- 'Nigerian' Squadron
- Ramrods, Rodeos and Rhubarbs
- 'Diver' Days
- Final Fling
- Peace
- Appendices
Commanding Officers of No. 91 'Nigeria' Squadron
Aircraft Used
- Commentary on the Colour Profiles
Osprey Aviation Elite