The Beaches codenamed Gold and Juno constituted the western section of the British sector of the landings. Although in the British sector the forces landing on Juno were actually the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division. Gold was to be assaulted by the British 50th infantry division. Both these forces were supported by specialised armoured vehicles to help overcome the German defences, and by Commando units. The D-Day objectives for the troops landing on these two beaches included the capture of the town of Arromanches, which was to be the site of the Mulberry artificial harbour for the British beachhead. They were also tasked with the capture of the town of Bayeux and securing the coast road between Bayeux and Caen. British 50th Division supported by 8th Armoured Brigade successfully fought their way off the beach and overcame the German strongpoints at Le Hamel and La Riviere. 47 Commando made an unsuccessful attempt to capture Port en Bessin and link up with the Americans on Omaha. The Canadians on Juno meanwhile had a tougher time getting ashore due to heavy seas and underwater obstacles. Once on the beach however they silenced the German strongpoint at St Aubin and pushed inland towards Caen. They were halted by the counter-attack of General Edgar Feuchtingers battle group, the 21st Panzer Division. This drove into the gap between Juno and Sword beaches, stalling the allied timetable and preventing the capture of Caen. It could not however prevent the linking of Gold, Juno and Sword on 7 June securing the British beachhead. The breakout could now begin. Text by Ken Ford with illustrations by Kevin Lyles.
- Origins of the Battle
- Chronology
- Opposing Commanders
- Opposing Armies
- Opposing Plans
- The Landings Gold Beach
- Juno Beach
- The First Seven Days
- Aftermath
- The Battlefield Today
- Bibliography
- Index
The books in this series are;
Campaign 100 : D-Day (1) 1944 : Omaha Beach
Campaign 104 : D-Day (2) 1944 : Utah Beach & the US Airborne Landings
Campaign 105 : D-Day (3) 1944 : Sword Beach & the British Airborne Landings
Campaign 112 : D-Day (4) 1944 : Gold & Juno Beaches
Osprey Campaign