In the late 1870s the British Imperial administration in the Cape colony in southern Africa engineered a war with the Zulu kingdom which they viewed as a challenge to their authority. The early campaigns went terribly wrong for the British with the decisive Zulu victory at Isandlwana ending the first phase of the invasion of Zululand. Ultimately however, in spite of this setback, the British won the war: the Zulus, primarily reliant on their skill with the stabbing spear at close-quarters, had no real defence or retaliation against the massed firepower of professional British soldiers firing Martini-Henry rifles. These single-shot breech- loading weapons decimated the Zulus as they tried to advance towards the red-coated British troops. Even at Isandlwana the Zulus lost more than a thousand men, and victory was only really guaranteed them when their opponents began to run out of ammunition. Ian Knight and Ian Castle examine the British-Zulu war in general and its two key battles, Isandlwana and Khambula in particular. The reasons for the initial British defeat are discussed as are the shortcomings of the Zulu forces that led to their ultimate subjugation at the hands of the British. Excellent original black and white photographs accompany the clear and detailed text.
- Origins of the War
- Opposing Strategies
- The Commanders
- The Armies - Isandlwana Campaign
- The First Phase of the War
- the Aftermath of Isandlwana
- The Second Phase of the War
- Aftermath
- The Battlefields Today
- Chronology
- A Guide to Further Reading
- Wargaming the Zulu War
The books in this series are;
Elite 21 : The Zulus
Elite 32 : British Forces in Zululand 1879
Campaign 14 : Zulu War 1879 : Twilight of a Warrior Nation
Battles and Histories : Zulu War
Osprey Campaign