In April 1685, James II ascended the English throne. An overt Catholic, James proved unpopular with his Protestant subjects and a group of nobles invited the Dutch Prince William of Orange to take the throne in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, James II fled to France. On 12 March 1689 James returned, a French fleet landing him at Kinsale in Ireland, and within two weeks he was in Dublin. On 14 June 1690 William led an army to Ireland and came face-to-face with the Jacobites along the banks of the Boyne near Drogheda. On 1 July the two sides met in a battle that would decide the fate of the crown of England. Text by Michael McNally with illustrations by Graham Turner.
- The Campaign
- Chronology
- Opposing Commanders
- The Opposing Armies
- Opposing Plans
- The Battle
- The Aftermath
- The Battlefield Today
- Bibliography
- Index
Osprey Campaign