In late September 1941 the war in the east was approaching a climax. Since the beginning of the German invasion on 22 June 1941, Soviet forces had suffered the staggering loss of over 2 million troops. Operation Typhoon began and in the first week of the offensive, the three German panzer armies surrounded virtually the bulk of the Soviet forces barring the way to Moscow. This book details the dramatic battle that took place right up to the suburbs of Moscow itself, and the defeat which altered Hitler's strategic management of the war. Text by Robert A Forczyk with illustrations by Howard Gerrard.
- Origins Of The Campaign
- Chronology
- Opposing Plans
- Opposing Commanders
- Opposing Forces
- Orders of Battle
- The Surprise Offensive : 30 Sept 1941 - 15 Oct 1941
- The Weather Intervenes : 16 Oct 1941 - 14 Nov 1941
- The Last Gasp : 15 Nov 1941 - 30 Nov 1941
- Desperate Days : 1 Dec 1941 - 15 Dec 1941
- Aftermath
- Further Reading
- Index
Osprey Campaign