In the Spring of 1809, the Austrian army, buoyant and full of new-found patriotic fervour, rolled across the frontier with Bavaria. The time had come to exact revenge for the humiliating defeat suffered four years earlier at Austerlitz. But ten days later, with their earlier determination washed away by the ceaseless rain, they were streaming back from the Abens river with Napoleon in hot pursuit. Napoleon had not been in the front line when Austria had launched its campaign. Under the control of Marshal Berthier the French troops and their German allies had blundered backwards and forwards across the Bavarian countryside. But with the appearance of Napoleon order was created where none had existed before and almost immediately Archduke Charles, commander of the Austrians, lost the initiative. This study by Ian Castle is based for the first time upon the Austrian primary sources and details the various clashes of this short but significant campaign. Complemented by Christa Hook's battlescene artwork. Although defeated at Eggmuhl on 21 April, the Austrian army, remained intact and capable of action. The two portions of the army were able to reunite on 16 May and inflict upon Napoleon his first defeat at the Battle of Aspern-Essling, dealt with in the companion book Campaign 33 : Aspern & Wagram 1809 : Mighty Clash of Empires.
- The Road to War 1809
- Opposing Armies
- Opening Plans
- Opening Moves
- Battle of Teugn-Hausen
- The Battle of Abensberg
- The Second Battle of Landshut
- The Deluge - The Battle of Eggmuhl
- Battle of Eggmuhl (Day 2)
- The Battlefields Today
- Wargaming Eggmuhl
Osprey Campaign