The B-17 or Flying Fortress was the most important American bomber of World War II. This profile of the aeroplane contains images of the bomber in action, including the 20 meticulously restored airworthy Fortresses that regularly appear at airshows in the US and Europe. In all 12,731 B-17s were built between June 1939 and April 1945. The 50th anniversary of the 8th Air Force's daylight raids on Germany is celebrated in 1993. Michael O'Leary has produced some very good photobooks about WW2 airplanes, and this is one of them. The quality of the colour photographs of the surviving 'Forts is good to very good and this book gives you 128 pages full of them, showing all surviving 'Forts in almost every known colour they ever flew. Text and photographs by Michael O'Leary.
Osprey Colour Series (Aviation)