The swashbuckling English sea captains of the Elizabethan era were a particular breed of adventurer, combining maritime and military skill with a seemingly insatiable appetite for Spanish treasure. Angus Konstam describes these characters, including such well-known sea dogs as Francis Drake, Walter Raleigh, John Hawkins and Martin Frobisher. For about 40 years they fought a private war with the Spanish, and while their success in defeating the Spanish Armada is well known, this book will also cover their exploits in the New World. Text by Angus Konstam with illustrations by Angus McBride.
- Introduction
- The Elizabethan Sea Dogs
- The Spanish Main and its Defences
- The Elizabethan Art of War
- The Sea Dogs in Action
- The Ships of the Sea Dogs
- Bibliography
- Commentary on the Colour Artwork
- Index
Osprey Elite