The American Civil War - the War between the States - was the defining moment in US military history. Its battles, fought by armies with new and powerful weapons but usually deployed according to outdated tactics, were appallingly costly. Leadership at all levels was personal and individual; the characters of the generals on both sides could have a real effect on the performance of their troops, and the outcome of the day. They were not stamped out as identical products of a professional military machine; some were veterans, others men of limited experience promoted to high rank for a variety of reasons, good and bad. These men attracted strong opinions from their contemporaries and their soldiers, both positive and negative, and left behind them a fund of anecdotes. This book describes the careers, and illustrates the appearance on the battlefield, of some 25 famous Union generals whose Civil War service was mostly in the Eastern theatre of operations. Text by Philip Katcher with illustrations by Richard Hook.
- Francis Barlow
- Ambrose Burnside
- Benjamin Butler
- Joshua Chamberlain
- Darius Couch
- George Custer
- John Gibbon
- Winfield Hancock
- Andrew Humphreys
- Henry Hunt
- Philip Kearny
- George McClellan
- Irwin McDowell
- George Meade
- John Pope
- John Reynolds
- John Ricketts
- Winfield Scott
- John Sedgwick
- Philip Sheridan
- Daniel Sickles
- William Smith
- Edwin Sumner
- Emory Upton
The books in this series are;
Elite 73 : American Civil War Commanders (1) : Union Leaders in the East
Elite 88 : American Civil War Commanders (2) : Confederate Leaders in the East
Elite 89 : American Civil War Commanders (3) : Union Leaders in the West
Elite 94 : American Civil War Commanders (4) : Confederate Leaders in the West
Osprey Elite