Osprey Military Journal Volume Preview : Japanese 'Smart Bombing' 1941-1942
Louis Zocchi examines the statistics for Japanese bombing and torpedo accuracy, both at Pearl Harbor in 1941 and afterwards. Carl Smith shows how the Confederate cavalry had a rude awakening from their complacent assumption of superiority at the battle of Brandy Station just prior to Gettysburg in 1863. Mike Bennighof looks at a critical clash between Italy and Austria at the naval battle of Lissa in 1866, while Jim Webster considers some wargaming options for the Boer war.
- Japanese Bombing and Torpedo Accuracy at Pearl Harbour… and after
- The Confederate Cavalry's Wake-up Call at Brandy Station
- Book Reviews
- Gaming the Boer War
- Hearts of Iron : Lissa 1866
- A Preview of RAFM's Charlie Company
- New Gaming and Modelling Products
- Shows and Events
Osprey Military Journal