Elizabeth von Aderkas explains how in 1859, unbelievable as it sounds, The United States and Great Britain came close to blows over a boundary dispute caused, at least in part, by a domestic pig. Also featured in this issue is the final part of René Chartrand's look at the early life of Napoleon Bonaparte detailing his political rise and early victories with the Army of Italy. Other features include Nick Sekunda's examination of the role swords and swordfighting had in the phalanx-dominated era of the Greek hoplite and Ian McCulloch's look at the tragedy that was the Dieppe raid in 1942 explaining the tactical and strategic decisions behind the Dieppe raid, one of the costliest amphibious expeditions of WWII. Finally, this issue also sees the culmination of Stephen Turnbull's comparison between the Samurai Bushido culture and Medieval Chivalry.
- Landmarks - The Royal Armouries
- Knights and Samurai Brothers in Arms? Part 2
- The Pig that Sparked a Crisis
- Young General Bonaparte 1794-1797 - Prison, Politics and Italy
- Greek Swords and Swordmanship
- Prelude to D-Day, Dieppe 1942
Osprey Military Journal