on osprey books. A visit is paid to one the most historically important cities in the USA, Boston, birthplace of the American Revolution. Sérgio Coelho looks at the history of the Caçadores, Portugal's Osprey Military Journal Volume 3 - 4 : British machine gun tactics on the Western Front 1915-1918
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Osprey Military Journal Volume 3 - 4 : British machine gun tactics on the Western Front 1915-1918

A visit is paid to one the most historically important cities in the USA, Boston, birthplace of the American Revolution. Sérgio Coelho looks at the history of the Caçadores, Portugal's famous Light Infantry, and the part they played under Wellington during the Peninsular Campaigns in the Napoleonic Wars. The writings of Clausewitz have had an influence that extends to this day, Kevin Harrison assesses the impact of the philosopher's own military service on his theories and goes on to show how reception of these ideas has changed in the years since his death. In the 1st century AD Varus led three Legions into the forests of Germany and after four days of vicious fighting only a handful of men were left to escape - over 20,000 had been killed. Major Tony Clunn, a serving British Army officer two millennia later, pieces together the extraordinary events of this devastating disaster for Rome and also describes how he managed to uncover the site of the battlefield itself. In 'A verray, parfit gentil knyght' Christopher Gravett looks at the history of chivalry throughout the medieval period, from its earliest origins through to the decline of knighthood in the 16th century. Also featured in this Issue are two articles focusing on the innovative use of new equipment and tactics. Paul Cornish of the Imperial War Museum looks at the formation and history of the British Machine Gun Corps in the First World War whilst Steven J Zaloga examines the success of the 'Culin Hedgerow Cutter', a device used to break through the bocage of Normandy in Summer 1944. Finally the regular Art & Culture series continues with a feature on an influential Napoleonic portrait painter, Alexandre-Jean Dubois-Drahonet.

  • Landmarks - Boston National Park
  • Medieval Knight
  • Operation Cobra
  • Caçadores
  • Clausewitz
  • Varusschlacht


Osprey Military Journal

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