Peter Hofschröer examines Siborne's great model of the battle of Waterloo built as a monument to Wellington's great victory, Siborne's model of the disposition of forces at the battle of Waterloo proved instantly controversial. In 'Art & Culture' Peter Harrington looks at some of the earliest extant photographs of scenes of battles are the well-known images taken by Felice Beato in Lucknow, India, shortly after the relief of that city in 1858 during the Indian Mutiny. John Pohl recreates the food and drink of the Aztecs whilst the series on Battlefield Medicine reaches the Napoleonic period and the battle of Waterloo. Miguel Freire looks at the recent deployment of cavalry in Angola. Mounted soldiers have played a role in most 20th century conflicts, especially in Portugal's counter-insurgency efforts in Angola during the 1970s, where the dragoons were one of the more successful units, whilst Gordon Rottman sees how the Green Berets were trained to respond to threats in the countryside of Vietnam. Through painstaking historical research, Gary Nila has managed to piece together the history of a World War II Imperial Japanese Navy aviator through his wartime photo album. Henry Lee, father of the illustrious Robert E. Lee, was one of the more thrusting American officers during the American Revolution. This is an account by John Milsop of the affair that made his name, a daring raid on the British outpost of Paulus Hook. The loss of the USS Indianapolis on 30 July 1945 was one of the worst US naval tragedies of the war, Derrick Wright recounts the story.
- Little Big Horn
- The Siborne Model
- Aztec Food and Drink
- Napoleonic Battlefield Medicine
- General MacArthur
- Portuguese Dragoons
- Green Berets
- Imperial Japanese Naval Aviator
- Paulus Hook
- The USS Indianapolis
This was the last issue of the Osprey Military Journal as it did not prove to be commercially viable.
Osprey Military Journal