The T-34/76 was a major step forward in tank design and its appearance on the battlefield during the German invasion of Russia shocked the Germans into developing new AFVs such as the Panzer V Panther. It was produced in huge numbers and its later variant the T-34/85 would see extended postwar service with Communist-supplied countries around the world - in the Arab countries, North Korea, North Vietnam and China. With detailed step-by-step model photography, specially commissioned walkround photography, scale drawings and wartime shots, this book provides all the details needed to model the T-34/76 - and its variants. There is a full roundup of the models available on the market, details of where you can see the real thing, a select bibliography, and survey of websites of interest. The Series Editor is Jerry Scutts.
- Introduction - brief history of the T-34, brief survey of T-34 models
- Modelling the T-34 Model 1943 - Painting and Construction, Superdetailing, Weathering
- Variants - Including T-34/85, Flamethrower, Mine-Clearer, Postwar Service
- Detailed Walkround Photographs
- Scale Drawings
- Camouflage and Markings
- Model Round-Up - Details of T-34 Models and Accessories Currently Available
- References - Bibliography, Museum Listing, Web Sites
Osprey Modelling Manuals