Following in the best traditions of German ingenuity in design and construction of armoured vehicles, the SdKfz 251 firmly realised the concept of a competent cross-country tactical vehicle for armoured infantry units. So successful was this half-track that not only does a modified version of it remain in use with Czech forces today but also, ironically, the armoured infantry tactics that the Germans pioneered with it were adopted by allied forces in the Second World War, helping towards the eventual defeat of Germany. Bruce Culver takes us through the genesis and development of the SdKfz 251, and aided by the excellent black and white photographs that accompany the text, deals with the numerous modifications and variations on the original models that sprang from combat experience. Tactical training and organisational aspects of the SdKfz 251's deployment are also dealt with, covering both defence and assault scenarios. Indeed most modern armies owe their basic tactics of armour-infantry to those employed by the German army in the World War 2, and the SdKfz 251 deserves a place in history as having played a key role in this. This book does full justice in examining and evaluating this important machine, clearly showing its importance both to the outcome of World War 2 and to the prosecution of warfare as we know it today. Text by Bruce Culver with illustrations by Jim Laurier.
- Design and Development
- Variants
- Training and Organisation
- Tactics - Assault
- Tactics - Defence
- Serviceability
Osprey New Vanguard