on osprey books. The catapult (katapeltikon) was developed around 400 BC by engineers and craftsmen assembled by Dionysius I of Syracuse. Catapults are mentioned in Athens in the 360s and 350s

Osprey New Vanguard 89 : Greek and Roman Artillery 399 BC - 363 AD

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Osprey New Vanguard 89 : Greek and Roman Artillery 399 BC - 363 AD

The catapult (katapeltikon) was developed around 400 BC by engineers and craftsmen assembled by Dionysius I of Syracuse. Catapults are mentioned in Athens in the 360s and 350s BC, and by the 330s young men were routinely trained in their use. During these years, artillery appears to have been considered as a defensive weapon. They finally appear in the hands of an aggressor in 340 BC when Philip of Macedon assaulted Perinthus, but it was left to Alexander to fully develop the use of catapults. Under the Romans, catapults initially went through some minor variations with a view to improving their performance. This book describes the development and operational use of siege artillery throughout the classical period. Text by Duncan B Campbell with illustrations by Brian Delf.

  • Introduction
  • The Invention of the Catapult
  • The Gastraphetes
  • Advanced Bow-machines (Plate A)
  • Early Artillery Fortifications?
  • The Arrow-Firing Catapult of the Greeks
    4th-century Developments
    The Arrow-firer in the 3rd Century (Plate B)
    The Design of the Arrow-firer - The Spring-frame
    The Design of the Arrow-firer - The Stock and Stand
    The Design of the Arrow-firer - The Washers
  • The Stone-Projecting Catapult of the Greeks Early Developments
    The Design of the Stone-projector - The Spring-frame and Stock
    The Design of the Stone-projector - The Washers
    The Stone-projector from Alexander to Demetrius (Plate C)
    The Calibres of Stone Missiles
  • Roman Artillery - The Republic and Early Empire The Legacy of the Greeks
    Artillery in the Republic
    Vitruvius's Arrow-firer
    Vitruvius's Stone-projector
    Artillery in the Early Empire (Plate D)
    Roman Artillery Missiles
  • The Roman Artillery Revolution The Iron-framed Arrow-firer (Plate E)
    Heron's Cheiroballistra
    The Design of the Arrow-firing Ballista - The Field-frames
    The Design of the Arrow-firing Ballista - The Spring-frame
    The Stone-projecting Ballista (Plate F)
    The Stone-projecting Onager (Plate G)
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Colour Plate Commentary
  • Index


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