During the Civil War the regimental, battery or company set of colours was more than simply a unit designation, issued for the ease of a commander in identifying his units in the field. It was the very symbol of the regiment; it was its heart, the thing that drew its members together. As such it was fiercely defended in action, where it flew in the centre of the line, drawing enemy fire upon its carriers. Each regiment received its colours in one of its first formal ceremonies, which itself was almost an initiation into the world of the soldier. In camp, the regimental colours flew over the unit headquarters as a guide post to members and outsiders alike. In combat, it was drawn into the very centre of action, where it was fiercely defended. Few things were more disgraceful than losing one's colours in battle, and extreme sacrifices were often made to save them. Text by Philip Katcher with illustrations by Richard Scollins.
- Confederate Flags
- Introduction
- The First National Flag
- The Second National Flag
- The Third National Flag
- Battle Flags
- Battle Honours
- Other Commands
- Other Flags
- Full Colour Artwork
- Union Flags
- Introduction
- Regulation Flags
- Army Headquarters Flags
- The Army of thew Potomac
- Cavalry Flags
- Naval Flags
- Full Colour Artwork
- State and Volunteer Flags
- Introduction
- US Army Brigade Flags
- US Artillery Battery Flags
- Flags of the Coloured Troops
- Full colour Artwork
Osprey Special Editions (Military)