The 3rd to the 6th centuries saw the collapse of the classical Mediterranean civilisation and the emergence of new states in western Europe based on the Germanic warrior society. This book focuses particularly on the men who made up the retinues of the Germanic warlords who carved kingdoms out of the carcass of the West Roman Empire. Although sources for this early period are scarce, Simon MacDowall manages to construct a convincing picture of the Germanic warrior. Using evidence from Roman historians, German archaeology and Anglo-Saxon poetry, MacDowall examines first the warriors' society and hierarchy and then moves on to their training, equipment, appearance, tactics and style of fighting. Different troop types are considered and the evolution of fighting equipment such as shields is given careful attention. The Germanic peoples' lifestyle and their migration are also investigated and this helps to explain and account for their organisation, hierarchy and methods of waging war. Well-respected sources such as Tacitus' Germania and Beowulf are utilised and quotation often used in order to present a considered view of the warriors of the period. Numerous photographs of archaeological finds also help to support and explain developments of the period, particularly with regard to weaponry. Simon MacDowall is able to build up a comprehensive portrait of the Germanic warrior in this period accompanied by illustrations by Angus McBride.
- Introduction
- Chronology
- The Warrior Society
- Leadership and Hierarchy
- Training
- Equipment and Appearance
- The Warrior on Campaign
- The Experience of Battle
- Glossary
- Bibliography
Osprey Warrior