on osprey books.  In the campaigns of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, the deserved reputation of the British infantry has tended to overshadow the contribution of the cavalry. The army's Osprey Warrior 8 : British Cavalryman 1792-1815
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Osprey Warrior 8 : British Cavalryman 1792-1815

In the campaigns of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, the deserved reputation of the British infantry has tended to overshadow the contribution of the cavalry. The army's mounted branch was not large: reckoning rank and file only, and excluding artillery, in 1794 the cavalry represented 17 per cent of the army, rising to 23 per cent by 1795, but after the renewal of the war in 1803 the percentage declined. Possibly due in part to their relatively small numbers, at the time the cavalry tended to be somewhat discounted by the remainder of the army, but in fact they did form an integral part of the army, carrying out duties crucial to the success of other arms. British Cavalryman 1792-1815 recounts what these duties were and examines the men who performed them. The different regiments of the cavalry are listed and some of the arm's more exotic or professional corps, such as the King's German Legion, examined. Distinction is made between the different types of mounted troop, such as Fencibles and Yeomanry, and cavalry armament is also looked at closely. The sections on training and tactics are ably illustrated by subsequent accounts of some of the more significant engagements in which the British cavalry were involved. Finally, an examination of some of the principal British cavalry commanders helps to explain the rather scornful attitude of British infantry-of-the-line to their mounted colleagues. Text by Philip Haythornthwaite with illustrations by Richard Hook.

  • Introduction
  • Recruitment and Conditions
  • Training
  • Tactics
  • Regimental Organisation
  • Clothing and Equipment
  • Typical Engagements
  • Commanders


Osprey Warrior

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