When the Americans entered the First World War in 1917, they brought with them a sense of fighting spirit and courage which left an unforgettable impression on their war-weary allies. Martin Marix Evans' superb book brings vividly to life the full story of the American Expeditionary Force which helped to turn the tide of war in France. The American Expeditionary Force which arrived in First World War France, 1917, left an unforgettable impression. Their courage and fighting spirit brought fresh hope to allies worn down by three long years of conflict, and added new names to the list of battles which would be forever remembered; Cantigny, Chateau, Thierry, Blanc Mont, the Argonne, amongst others. Martin Marix Evan's book is a moving account of these men and their deeds which did so much to turn the tide of war, packed with material drawn from the letters, diaries and photographs of the men who were there on the front line. 'They looked larger than ordinary men; their tall, straight figures were in vivid contrast to the under-sized armies of pale recruits to which we had grown accustomed ... Then I heard an excited exclamation from a group of Sisters behind me. "Look! Look! Here are the Americans!"'.
- On the Sidelines
- 'Lafayette, Nous Voila!'
- First Blood
- The German Offensive
- The Tide Turns
- The American Battle
- In at the Final Lickin'
- Bibliography
- Index
Osprey Battles and Histories