The population of Britain was mobilized to support the war effort on a scale unseen in any other Western democracy or Nazi Germany. They endured long working shifts, shortages of food and all other goods, and complete government control of their daily lives. Most men and women were conscripted or volunteered for additional tasks outside their formal working hours. More than 60,000 civilians were killed and 86,000 seriously injured by air raids that destroyed the centres of many towns and made about 2 million homeless. This illustrated summary of wartime life, and the organizations that served on the Home front, is a striking record of endurance and sacrifice. Text by Martin Brayley with illustrations by Malcolm McGregor.
- Life in Wartime Britain
- Services
Air Raid Precautions
Civil Defence
National and Auxiliary Fire Services
Women's Voluntary Service
Royal Observer Corps
Royal Ordnance Factories
Motor Transport Training Corps
Women's Land Army & Timber Corps
Local Defence Volunteers / Home Guard
Air Transport Auxiliary
First Aid Nursing Yeomanry
Ambulance / Hospital Services
Blue Cross / PDSA
Osprey Elite