World War II is often seen as a confrontation of technology, tanks and aircraft, artillery and engineering, however at the heart of the battlefield was the struggle between infantrymen. The technology was there to enable them to capture ground or hold it. This second of two books on the organization and tactics of the German, US and British infantry in Europe focuses on national differences in the development of company and battalion tactics, including those of motorized units, and the confrontation and cooperation between infantry and tanks. Contemporary photos and diagrams and vivid colour plates illustrate what tactical theories actually meant on the ground at human scale. Text by Stephen Bull with illustrations by Peter Dennis.
- The Battalion and its Support Weapons : What jobs were they supposed to do?
- Differences in Organisation : US, British, German
- Changes between 1939 and 1945 : New Weapons, New Scales of Issue, New Tactics
- Infantry Cooperation with Other Arms : Artillery and Tank Support : Aircraft
- Command and Control
The books in this series are;
Elite 105 : World War II Infantry Tactics (1) : Squad and Platoon
Elite 122 : World War II Infantry Tactics : Company and Battalion
Osprey Elite