The delivery of entire divisions to battlefields behind enemy lines by parachute and glider played a significant part in the European campaigns of World War II. Despite notable successes, the costs and difficulties of this wholly new form of warfare have prevented airborne operations on a comparable scale since 1945. This book, by an airborne veteran of a later generation, explains in detail their advantages and drawbacks, developing techniques and equipment, with reference to specific German, US, British, Soviet and Japanese operations. The text is illustrated with period photographs, colour artwork and operation maps. Text by Gordon Rottman with illustrations by Peter Dennis.
- Origins of Airborne Forces
- Early Doctrine
- Response to these Lessons : Formation of Multiple Battalions
- Delivery to the Battlefield
- Weapons and Equipment
- Late War Doctrine and Organization
- Execution of an Airborne Operation, Step By Step
- Four Representative Airborne Operations Examined
- Application of WWII Lessons in Post-War Operations
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