This beautifully-illustrated book gives a unique visual and narrative insight into the events of 1066, the people whose lives it affected, and the legendary way in which the Conquest was recorded in cloth. Conquest expert Christopher Gravett unlocks the mysterious controversies within the tapestry and tells a stunning tale of life for Normans and Saxons, both before and after the events of October 1066. The changes that the Conquest wrought on the landscape, the government and the church of Anglo-Saxon England are all examined, along with the smaller changes to everyday life that had greatest impact on the people who lived through the times. The historical reconstruction artist Ivan Lapper adds to this tale with stunning scenes of life in Norman times, meticulously researched and beautifully depicted. Using up-to-the-minute research, Ivan Lapper creates detailed scenes of everyday life and events that make the narrative come to life.
- 40 AD Before the Romans
- 200 AD The Roman City Fortified
- 400 AD Twilight of the Roman City
- 800 AD Alfred and the Danish Threat
- 1080 The Conqueror's Castle
- 1200 The Castle Enlarged
- 1240 The Classic Castle
- 1300 Apogee of the Medieval Castle
- 1547 The Tudor Power House
- 1700 Showplace of the Nation
- 1841 The Great Conflagration
- 1890 The Remedievalisation of the Castle
- 1940 The Castle at War
- 2000 The Castle today
Osprey Landmarks in History