The period covered by this book begins with the British infantryman entering the Peninsular War wearing the lethal knapsack equipment of the day, and ends with the introduction of the first equipment set made entirely of woven cotton webbing [the 1908 pattern described in the accompanying Men-at-Arms 108: British Infantry Equipments 1908-80]. The contrast between the two sets could not be more stark, and reflects the vast improvement in the infantryman's lot which took place during the 19th century. Yet it must be remembered that for nearly 50 years of the period under study, the influence of the Duke of Wellington - though arguably the greatest military leader Britain ever produced - kept the British Army in a state of stagnation, determined to maintain his army in the state in which it had won its greatest triumphs. Eventually, however, public opinion created the right climate for the commencement of army reforms so long overdue. Efforts were made to improve the clothing, diet, shelter, sanitation and health of the soldier in the field on an unprecedented scale. The years that followed the end of the war saw a steady and consistent process of reform which gradually brought the British Army up to par with the armies of the great European powers. Amidst all this improvement the equipment of the infantry soldier was late coming under scrutiny. Mike Chappell presents a detailed study of British infantry equipments from 1808-1908, in a text complemented by plenty of illustrations and photographs, including eight full page colour plates by the author himself. The companion book is Men-at-Arms 108 : British Infantry Equipments (2) 1908-1980.
- The Evolution of Infantry Equipments
- Infantry Knapsack Equipments 1808-71
- The 1871 Valise Equipment
- The 1882 and 1888 Valise Equipment
- The Pattern 1903 Bandolier Equipment
- Officers' Equipment
- The Plates
The books in this series are;
Men-at-Arms 107 : British Infantry Equipments (1) 1808-1908 (1999)
Men-at-Arms 108 : British Infantry Equipments (2) 1908-1980
Osprey Men-at-Arms