Henry V became King of England in 1413. He was one of the great warrior kings of the country, cast in the same mould as Edward I and Edward III. He was just, pious, athletic, chivalrous, acquisitive, ruthless and eager to gain honour on the field of battle. In many senses he comes closer to an archetype of the better kind of medieval Christian king than any other ruler of the period. Henry hoped that a successful campaign against the nation's traditional enemy would draw the people together and establish the popularity of the Lancastrian dynasty. To this end, he embarked on the political etiquette of the times in making apparently reasonable demands of France which he knew they could not or would not accept. In the early months of 1415 negotiations between France and England broke down, and France, divided and weakened by internal strife and ruled by a pathetic, ageing and frequently mad king, faced yet another expeditionary force from across the Channel. This book written and illistrated by Christopher Rothero explores the background, organisation and equipment of the armies which fought in one of the most famous conflicts in England's history - the Battle of Agincourt.
- Introduction
- The Campaign
- The Battle
- Analysis of the Battle
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms