The Australians have had a brief military history, by world standards, but they have taken part in nine wars and, British troops apart, they have fought in more countries than the soldiers of any other nation. Friend and foe alike have assessed them as men-at-arms perhaps equalled but never surpassed. In many ways they are certainly different. The British public got their first look at Australian troops in 1897 when 37 men of the New South Wales Lancers attended Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. Officers from Britain and all over the Empire were impressed with the lancers' horsemanship, which won them two of the five gold medals awarded for competition in tournaments among regular, territorial and colonial mounted troops from throughout the Empire. The British people were to get many further views of the Australians, on parade or through the newspapers and later by means of film and television. John Laffin examines the history, uniforms and organisation of these colourful and courageous troops, from the Diggers of the First World War to their role in Vietnam, accompanied by eight full page colour plates by Mike Chappell.
- The Seeds of Legend
- South Africa 1899-1902
- Pre-1914 Training
- The Diggers 1914-18
- Korea, Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms