The 1,813 inhabitants of the Falkland Islands, who had gone to bed on the night of 1 April 1982 - the Feast of All Fools - happy in the knowledge that they remained among the last and most remote bastions of the British Empire, awoke on 2 April to find that they had become unwilling citizens of Argentina. In the early hours of the chilly late-autumn morning substantial forces of Argentine Marines, with heavy naval and air support, had invaded the islands, quickly and almost bloodlessly overwhelming a token garrison of Royal Marines temporarily swollen to 67 by the early arrival of its relief detachment. The humour of Argentina's April Fool joke went largely unappreciated. The following day Argentine forces also invaded the Falklands dependency of South Georgia, forcing the garrison of just 22 Royal Marines to surrender - though not before they had inflicted disproportionately heavy losses on their attackers. In this companion to Men-at-Arms 133 : Battle for the Falklands (1) : Land Forces and Men-at-Arms 135 : Battle for the Falklands (3) : Air Forces Adrian English and Anthony Watts examine the naval forces of both sides who fought in the battle for the Falklands.
- Introduction
- The Invasion
- The Opposing Forces
- The Campaign
- Summary and Conclusions
The books in this series are;
Men-at-Arms 133 : Battle for the Falklands (1) : Land Forces
Men-at-Arms 134 : Battle for the Falklands (2) : Naval Forces
Men-at-Arms 135 : Battle for the Falklands (3) : Air Forces
Osprey Men-at-Arms