The Scythians lived in the Early Iron Age, and inhabited the northern areas of the Black Sea (Pontic) steppes. Though the 'Scythian period' in the history of Eastern Europe lasted little more than 400 years, from the 7th to the 3rd centuries BC, the impression these horsemen made upon the history of their times was such that a thousand years after they had ceased to exist as a sovereign people, their heartland and the territories which they dominated far beyond it continued to be known as 'greater Scythia'. From the very beginnings of their emergence on the world scene the Scythians took part in the greatest campaigns of their times, defeating such mighty contemporaries as Assyria, Urartu, Babylonia, Media and Persia. Herodotus says of the Scythian dominance of Asia, 'The Scythians ravaged the whole of Asia. They not only took tribute from each people, but also made raids and pillaged everything these peoples had.'. Dr E V Cernenko explores the history, equipment and dress of these mighty warrior people, with superb illustrations throughout, including eight full page colour plates by Angus McBride.
- Introduction
- Defensive Armour
- Offensive Weapons
- The Scythian Army
- The Persian Invasion
- Scythian Warcraft
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms