On 28 September 1066 William of Normandy landed near Hastings and prepared to meet the Anglo-Saxon army of King Harold Godwinson. On 10 October 1066 the two armies met, and after six hours of fighting the Anglo-Saxon army was crushed and their king slain. This was the last successful invasion of England. The Normans set up castles in strategic positions to control the native population, and four-fifths of all England's land changed ownership. French became the language used at court, and for the next four centuries England was firmly linked with France. However, despite initial Norman success, it was fully two centuries before the Anglo-Norman kings managed to penetrate the wild interiors of Wales and Scotland, and many more centuries before the countries of Scotland, Wales and England were united under one crown. Christopher Rothero details the events, characters, arms and armour of the Scottish and Welsh wars 1250-1400, in a text accompanied by numerous illustrations, including eight full page colour plates by the author himself.
- The Welsh Wars 1277-1282
- The First Scottish War of Independence
- The Second War of Independence
- Owen Glendower
- Arms and Amour 1250-1400
- Tactics
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms