Looking back from the dawn of the previous century, Canada can be said to have had a turbulent history. Frenchman, Briton, Indian and American revolutionary fought each other in a series of wars which ended with the prize of Canada in British hands. Even then Canada had to contend with periodic internal unrest and threats from beyond its frontiers. British troops were withdrawn in 1871 following Confederation, leaving the defence of Canada entirely in the hands of her own people. By the 1890s this task had been entrusted to a Militia force (said by some to be nothing more than a political gendarmerie), and a woefully small band of regulars. It was in this see-saw atmosphere that Canada, not by any means a military country, was drawn into the first war of the 20th century - an episode that set in motion the sequence of events that was to lead her into two World Wars as well as a number of minor ones. Mike Chappell relates the history of the Canadian armed forces, with numerous contemporary photographs and eight full page colour plates by the author himself.
- Canada and Her Army
- 1900-14 The Growing Commitment
- 1914-18 Attrition
- 1939-45 The Global War
- 1950-53 United Nations Involvement
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms