The origin of the name 'Apache' is unclear, though it probably stems from the Zuni 'ápachu', their name for the Navajo, who the early Spaniards called 'Apaches de Nabaju'. One suggested alternative is that it originated in the rare Spanish spelling 'apache' of 'mapache', meaning raccoon, which in view of the distinctive white stripes typically daubed across a warrior's face is rather attractive, if unlikely. The Apaches in fact referred to themselves with variants of 'ndé', simply meaning, in common with many Indian self-designations, 'the people'. The Apache culture of 1850 was a blend of influences from the peoples of the Great Plains, Great Basin and the South-West, particularly the Pueblos, and - as time progressed - from the Spanish and American settlers. Tribal peculiarities depended upon geographical location in relation to these peoples, and the time and route of a tribe's early migration. Jason Hook examines the Apaches, their social structure, religion and warcraft, and outlines the Apache wars and conflicts with the Americans including the story of Crook and Geronimo. Well-illustrated throughout with contemporary photographs, museum photographs and eight full page colour plates by Richard Hook accompanied by seven pages of commentaries on Apache dress.
- Introduction
- The Apache tribes
- Apache life
- War
- Religion
- The Apache Wars
- War with the Americans
- The Plates
- Bibliography
Osprey Men-at-Arms