This book examines the uniforms, equipment, history and organisation of the King's Regiment, from its first blooding in combat to World War II and beyond. The regiment's deployment in the New World, South Africa, India and Afghanistan are all summarised. Uniforms are shown in full illustrated detail. Text by Alan Shepperd with illustrations by Michael Roffe.
- Princess Anne's Regiment
- First Battle Honours
- The West Indies
- The New World
- The Queen's Own - 96th of Foot
- New Zealand
- The Crimea
- The Indian Mutiny
- Afghanistan
- South Africa
- The Great War
- The Western Front
- The Vineyard
- 'A Bloody Slogging Match'
- The Twenty Years' Armistice
- The Second World War
- SIngapore
- The Chindits
- Kohima to Mandalay
- Italy
- Normandy and Victory in the West
- The White Horse and Fleur-de-Lis
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms