Members of the Luftwaffe served as infantry, artillery, tank crews and service troops in all the major theatres of World War II. Shortages of fuel and aircraft meant that Luftwaffe personnel were made available for other tasks and this volume looks at some of the Field Divisions that saw action in the war. The elite paratroopers of the Airborne units did see extensive service following their thorough training and several of the airborne operations are detailed including the seizures of Norway, Denmark and Crete. The 'Hermann Goring' division are amongst the specialists covered. The uniforms are illustrated to show the various different roles the air arm assumed. Text by Martin Windrow with illustrations by Michael Roffe.
- Fallschirmjager
- Flakartillerie
- Division "Hermann Goring"
- Luftwaffen Feld-Divisionen
- Colour Plate Commentary
Osprey Men-at-Arms