German combat equipment was of relatively light weight, ruggedly constructed, well designed, functional, and generally high quality, though deteriorating in the later war years. A high degree of design standardisation was maintained in most categories of equipment, though materials and their colours often varied widely. Its quality did not drastically deteriorate after 1942, as did that of many other types of equipment, though increased use was made of substitute and lower grade materials. In late 1944 an attempt was made to standardise field equipment between all armed services in design, materials and colours as a means of conservation. This universal equipment [Einheits Ausrústungsstrúke] was based on the Army's standard items. Gordon Rottman investigates German combat equipments of the Second World War, from belt buckles to magazine pouches, accompanied by numerous photographs and eight full page colour plates by Ron Volstad.
- Introduction
- Development
- Basic Equipment
- Weapons-Related Equipment
- Specialist Equipment
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms