For almost three centuries the Royal Scots Greys have had the proud distinction of being Scotland's only regular cavalry regiment, famed for their distinguished service record from Marlborough's wars to World War II. Indeed, the Greys at Waterloo form one of the most memorable features of military history. With their cry of 'Scotland forever!' they charged upon the French ranks seizing the imperial eagle of the French 45th Regimental. The regiment's service in the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimea and World War I are also covered. This book also looks at how this traditional cavalry unit struggled to come to terms with the realities of modern warfare during the Anglo-Boer war and World War I. Equipment and organisation used in all these combats is detailed in full and uniforms are shown in full colour artwork. Text by Charles Grant with illustrations by Michael Youens.
- The Early Years
- The Wars of Marlborough
- Later 18th Century Wars
- The End of the 18th Century
- Waterloo
- The Crimea
- South Africa
- World War I
- World War II
- Colour Plate Commentary
Osprey Men-at-Arms