This book examines the uniforms, equipment, history and organisation of the Russian Army that fought in the Crimean War. Field army, infantry, artillery and cavalry are all covered, together with details of High Command and summaries of key battles. Uniforms are shown in fully illustrated detail. Text by Robert H.G. Thomas with illustrations by Richard Scollins.
- Introduction
- Russia in Europe
- Moscow 1812
- Alexander's Military Experiments
- The Small Wars
- The Russian High Command
- Russian Officers and the German Influence
- The Field Army
- Russian Infantry
- Cavalry and Cossacks
- Artillery and Engineers
- Nicholas's Foreign Pretensions
- The Crimean Landing
- The Battle of the Alma
- Balaclava
- Inkerman
- The Storming of Sevastopol
- Finale
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms