In 1741, at the accession of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, Russia was fully integrated into contemporary western European politics, commerce and its power balance. The country was the newest addition to the ranks of mid-18th century European superpowers, and to western eyes possessed seemingly limitless natural resources, reserves of manpower and revenue. Russia's sphere of political and military influence within Europe extended over most of eastern and central Europe and the Baltic basin. This position as a major European power was achieved through the reforms of Tsar Peter I 'the Great' [1682-1725], a despotic genius who dragged Russia kicking and screaming from her semi-feudal and introverted state into the 18th century. He pursued an aggressive, expansionist foreign policy which brought him into conflict with Sweden, the pre-eminent northern European power of the period. During the long and costly conflict known as the Great Northern War [1700-1721], Peter the Great and his newly formed Russian army, which was modelled on western European lines, defeated their Swedish counterparts, who were generally regarded as being the finest troops in Europe. Angus Konstam examines the development, equipment and organisation of the Russian army following the death of Peter the Great, and describes its emergence from three decades of experimentation and political involvement as a major military power during the Seven Years War. This first of two books covers the Russian infantry, with its companion, Men-at-Arms 298 : Russian Army of the Seven Years War (2), focusing on the cavalry. Illustrations by Bill Younghusband.
- Introduction
- Chronology
- The Russian Army 1725-1740
- The Seven Years War
- Infantry Organisation
- Uniforms
- Infantry Tactics
- Infantry Colours
- The Plates
The books in this series are;
Men-at-Arms 297 : Russian Army of the Seven Years War (1)
Men-at-Arms 298 : Russian Army of the Seven Years War (2)
Osprey Men-at-Arms