The end of the American Revolution in 1783 confirmed the independence of the republic of the United States of America from Great Britain. Britain, however, still managed to make its presence felt in North America. Several British colonies north of the United States had not joined the American revolutionaries: Lower Canada (now Quebec), Upper Canada (Ontario), Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton Island. During most of the Napoleonic Wars, North America remained a relatively peaceful area. However, the occasional presence of French fleets, the sale of Louisiana, Indian hostilities against the United States and the impressment of American sailors by the Royal Navy increased tension between the two countries. Britain's Orders in Council concerning trade were a major irritant which, added to the other issues, finally caused the United States to declare war on 19 June 1812. Ironically, the British cabinet had repealed the offensive Orders on 23 June 1812, but it was too late. René Chartrand examines the British Forces in North America 1793-1815, and is accompanied by a wealth of illustrations including eight full page colour plates by the Gerry Embleton.
- Introduction
- Chronological Table
- The British Regular Army
- British Army Dress
- Winter Dress in Canada
- Colonial Regular Units
- Lower Canada
- Lower Canada Sedentary Militia
- Upper Canada Militia
- The Indian Country
- Militias of the Atlantic Colonies
- Select Bibliography
- Books and Articles
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms