At its peak the Italian Army contributed 2.5 million troops to the Axis war effort. In addition to its major role in North Africa, Italy's army invaded, and later bore the main burden of occupying, the Balkan countries. Italy also sent 250,000 men to fight on the Russian Front. In this second book of a three-part study Philip Jowett covers the organisation, uniforms and insignia of the Italian troops committed to both the North African campaign, and the often neglected East African fighting of 1940-41, including the colourful colonial units. Stephen Andrew's colour plates illustrate in detail the wide range of uniforms used.
- The Italian Army in Africa 1940
- The MVSN
- Colonial Troops
- Campaigns
East Africa 1940-41
Libya 1940-42
Tunisia 1942-43
- Uniforms, Insignia, Personal Equipment
- Commentary on the Colour Artwork
- Index
The books in this series are;
Men-at-Arms 340 : The Italian Army (1) 1940-1945 : Europe 1940-1943
Men-at-Arms 349 : The Italian Army (2) 1940-1945 : Africa 1940-1943
Men-at-Arms 353 : The Italian Army (3) 1940-1945 : Italy 1943-1945
Osprey Men-at-Arms