Between the 13th and 15th centuries Russia developed along very different lines to the rest of Europe. The Mongol conquest and occupation are often portrayed as 'hijacking' Russia's development as a European state. In military terms however, the impact was not , necessarily, negative. The Mongols had a profound influence on arms, armour, organisation, recruitment and tactics, though this was more noticeable in southern and eastern Russia than in the north-western Republic of Novgorod. The Russian struggle for autonomy and then independence from the Mongol successor Khanates pitted 'orientalised' Russian forces against late Mongol forces in which Chinese influence had been supplemented by considerable Turkish-Islamic military influence. During the closing decades of this period the rising power of Muscovy, the most 'Mongolised' of the Russian principalities, turned the tables and began to dominate the remaining Mongol (Tartar) Khanates. The role of firearms and particularly siege artillery, and the development of distinctive Russian forms of wooden fortifications, often in conjunction with the use of gunpowder artillery make the military history of Russia during this period unique. This entire period formed the military and cultural backdrop for later confrontations between Russia and the rising power of the Ottoman Turks. It is at this point that Russia's development diverts along 'non-European' or at least distinctly different European lines; a situation which persisted to modern times. This exciting chapter of history is illustrated with rare early paintings, photos, diagrams, and eight plates reconstructing the mixed influences of East and West in the appearance of Russian warriors. Text by Dr David Nicolle with illustrations by Angus McBride.
- Russia under the Mongols : mid-13 to 14 Centuries
- Mongol Influence of Later Russian Armies
- Cavalry
- Infantry
- Fortification
- River Warfare
- The Republic of Novgorod : 14-15 Centuries
- The Rise of Lithuania : 14-15 Centuries
- The Rise of Muscovy : Late 14-15 Centuries
- Cavalry
- Infantry
- The Guns of Muscovy
- Colour Plate Commentary
- Bibliography
- Index
Osprey Men-at-Arms