On the 27 June 1862, with the American Civil War already a year old, General Robert E. Lee assumed personal command of troops engaged in driving the Federal Army of the Potomac out of Richmond - troops which would henceforth be known as The Army of Northern Virginia. Philip Katcher explores in absorbing detail all aspects of the army, covering infantry, cavalry, artillery, technical and medical corps, and paying particular attention to equipment, weapons and uniforms. Contemporary photographs and preserved examples reveal details of haversacks, buttons, muskets, cartridge-boxes, uniforms, shoes and more, together with extensive notes which combine to paint a vivid and accurate picture of what life was like for the average confederate soldier. Additionally there are eight full page colour plates by Michael Youens recreating a range of uniforms from a Zouave cadet to a colonel of an artillery battalion.
- Introduction
- Uniforms and Insignia
- The Confederate Soldier
- Arms and Accoutrements
- Infantry
- Artillery
- Cavalry
- Technical and Medical Corps
- Command
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms