In World War II a number of German Army units and divisions were classed as elites, and were distinguished by special insignia of various kinds. For some this status was simply a matter of lineage - eg. the Infantry Regiment 'List', which traced its identity to the Bavarian unit with which Hitler had served in World War I. Some, like the 'Grossdeutschland' and Panzer-Lehr divisions, were raised from particularly high grade personnel. Other titles honoured extraordinary battlefield exploits or heroic sacrifice, like the 'Brandenburg' and 'Hoch und Deutschmeister' divisions. This fact-packed introduction to these famous units is illustrated with rare photographs and detailed colour plates. Text by Gordon Williamson with illustrations by Ramiro Bujeiro.
- Panzerkorps 'Grossdeutschland'
- Panzergrenadier Division 'Feldherrnhalle'
- Infanterie Regiment 'List'
- Panzergrenadier Division 'Brandenburg'
- Kavallerie Regiment 5 'Feldmarschall von Mackensen'
- Reichsgrenadier Regiment 'Hoch und Deutschmeister'
- 116 Panzer Division 'Windhund'
- 21 Panzer Division
- 24 Panzer Division (1 Kavallerie Division)
- Panzer Lehr Division
- 3 Gebirgs Division
- 5 Gebirgs Division
- The Tiger Tank Battalions
Osprey Men-at-Arms