The origins of what would become the German General Staff of the late 19th and 20th centuries - probably the most professional military machine in the world - can be traced to the Prussian Army of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. This concise study, concluding the author's series of five titles on the Prussian Army of 1792-1815, covers the staff; the reforms in tactical employment of all-arms brigades (which, contrary to received opinion, pre-dated the disasters of Jena and Auerstedt in 1806); the artillery and other technical troops; and regimental colours and standards. Among the illustrations are rare diagrams from the artillery drill manual of the day. Text by Peter Hofschröer with illustrations by Christa Hook.
- Artillery - Historical Development, Uniforms, Organisation, Equipment, Training, Tactics, Battle History
- Engineers - Historical Development, Uniforms, Organisation, Equipment, Training, Tactics, Battle History
- Medical Troops - Historical Development, Uniforms, Organisation, Equipment, Training, Tactics, Battle History
- Staff - Historical Development, Uniforms, Organisation, Equipment, Training, Tactics, Battle History
- Flags - Infantry Pre-1806, Infantry Post-1806, Infantry 1815, Cavalry Pre-1806, Cavalry Post-1806, Cavalry 1815
Osprey Men-at-Arms