The dilemma of the young Italian kingdom and the experience of her army in the Great War were unique among the combatant nations. Late to enter the war against the Central Powers, she faced a massively defended Austro-Hungarian front in the north, including strong mountain features, as well as distractions in the Balkans and a simultaneous rebellion in her Libyan colony. Costly and repeated battles on the Isonzo front culminated in the disaster of Caporetto in October 1917, followed by a remarkable revival and eventual victory in 1918. This concise study describes and illustrates the Italian Army's campaigns, organisation, uniforms, weapons and equipment - including the famous 'death companies' and Arditi assault troops. Text by David Nicolle with illustrations by Raffaele Ruggeri.
- Italy and the Great Army
- Chronology
- Mobilisation, Strength and Character
- Line Infantry
- Elite and Specialist Units
- Weapons
- Cavalry and Mechanised Troops
- Technical Troops
- Support Troops
- Colonial and Naval Troops
- Select Bibliography and Further Reading
- The Plates
- Index
Osprey Men-at-Arms