For sheer guts, the Redcoats' behaviour at Bunker Hill, Saratoga and other bloody encounters has rarely been excelled. The Americans won, but only just and then thanks to foreign intervention and a small number of patriots dedicated, valiant and continually let down by their own people. Robin May's splendid work details the British Army which fought in the American Revolution from 1775-1783, men who faced the difficulties of campaigning in America and gross inefficiency and corruption at home which were far more deadly enemies of the redcoats than the generals' conduct, blundering as it sometimes was. This book chronicles the events of the conflict and examines in detail the organisation, uniforms and logistics of the British Army in North America. A detailed study covering everything from bearskin caps to an official menu for patients in hospitals for 1778-81 and methods of recruiting employed. Text by Robin May with museum photographs, illustrations and eight full page colour plates by Gerry Embleton, all with extensive commentaries.
- Introduction
- Raising an Army
- The Redcoats' War
- A Diary of the American Revolution
- The Royal Warrant of 1768 for Infantry Clothing, Colours etc
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms