The battle which took place on the Little Bighorn river on June 25, 1876, between LtCol Custer's US 7th Cavalry and a large force of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians, has passed into legend as 'Custer's Last Stand'. While research on the battlefield is still producing new information, most of the attention has been focused on the fate of Custer's troopers. This remarkable book offers something very different - a unique analysis of the oral and pictorial evidence for the appearance of named Plains Indian warriors, and the parts they played in the battle. The fruit of many years' study by one of today's most internationally respected interpreters and illustrators of Native American material culture, it offers biographical notes and meticulously researched color reconstructions of nearly 30 individuals, together with rare photographs and pictographs. Text and illustrations by Richard Hook.
- Introduction - The Indian Accounts of the Battle
- The Tribes Involved
- Weapons
- The Pictographs
- Extended Colour Plate Commentaries
Appearance and Personal Stories of Combatants
Osprey Men-at-Arms