The Ukrainians are the largest of the 'submerged' peoples of Eastern Europe and historically represent the second largest group in the old USSR, after the Russians themselves. Ukrainians faced many different enemies in the late stages of World War I, in the civil wars following it, and in World War II when their support for the Germans was a major factor. This book examines the organisation, uniform and insignia of each Ukrainian force, demonstrating how and why they played such important roles during the World Wars. The text is supported by colour illustrations and rare photographs. Text by Peter Abbott with illustrations by Oleksiy Rudenko.
- World War I : Ukrainian Units of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian Armies
- The First Struggles for Independence
The Ukrainian National Republic 1917-21
The Western Ukrainian Republic 1918-20
- World War II
Carpathia-Ruthenia 1938-39
Ukrainian Units in the Wehrmacht, Polizei & Waffen-SS
Ukrainian National Army 1945
- Aftermath : The Ukrainian Insurgent Army 1941-56
Osprey Men-at-Arms