The Pacific Northwest is where about one third of all Indians are believed to have once lived. It details the area's two distinct cultures, Coastal and Plateau. The Coastal tribes were famously warlike, and contact with whites from the 1770s and the Gold Rush led to conflicts with the US government, particularly in the mid 19th century. The Modoc War of 1875 in the Lava Fields, one of the most savagely fought of all, and its leader Kintpuash, 'Captain Jack', are examined. With a wealth of illustrations and lavish colour plates from Christa Hook, this book explores the lives of these famous warriors. Text by Elizabeth Von Aderkas with illustrations by Christa Hook.
- Introduction : Description of Area, and Coastal and Plateau Cultures
- Listing of tribes, with Relationships
- Daily life : Social Structures, Fishing and Hunting Economy
- Ceremonial and Religious Culture
- Warfare in the Northwest
Dress, Weapons, Warpaint
Raiding Tactics by Canoe on Coast and on horseback on Plateau
- Campaigns from 1840s to 1880s
Particularly 1875 Modoc War (Captain Jack) and
1877 Nez Perce War (Chief Joseph and Looking Glass)
Osprey Men-at-Arms