The King's German Legion was born in sorrow, their tragedy being the occupation of their homeland, the electorate of Hanover, by a 13,000-strong French force under General Mortier in 1803. This book examines how the Hanoverians exacted their revenge. Text by Otto von Pivka, Colour Plates by Michael Roffe.
- The Origins of the Legion
- The Organization of the Legion
- The Battle History of the Legion
- With Wellington in the Peninsula
- Withdrawal - Autumn 1809
- The 1810 Campaigns
- 1811 - Barossa and Albuera
- Massena's Withdrawal
- 1812 - Year of Victories
- 1813 - Into France
- Operations in Northern Europe
- The Year 1814
- The End in the Mediterranean
- Quatre Bras
- The Legion at Waterloo
- The Fall of La Haye Sainte
- The Disbanding of the Legion
- The Organisation of the Legion
- Weapons
- Hair and Beards
- Flags and Standards
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms